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Monday 3 January 2011

we are family

so, at the moment living in my house is me, roy, our dog biscuit and our bearded dragon porky (previously known as pinky but then i bought roy a computer keyboard that he thought could take over the world so his pc & keyboard ended up as pinky and the brain so the lizards name had to change!)

as much as i love our little set up i've always wanted a cat so today we took a drive up to the sspca in cardonald to see what they had. i swear, it breaks my heart that i can't adopt all the animals up there but that's me just being a big softy.

there was a wee kitten, 8 weeks old that had been found in a dumpster, i wanted to just pick it up and take it home but unfortunately someone had booked it so that wasn't the kitten for me.

then there was another wee one, maybe a couple of months old that was just adorable, it climbed up the grill on the door of it's wee room and was mewing like mad every time we went near it. this one had been booked too so we moved on.

in another wee room thing there were 2 bengals which were probably about 6 months old. these had been booked and the new owners will be so chuffed that they'll get 2 bengals for £90 rather than the ridiculous amounts that you have to pay private breeders.

a little bit further along and my eyes fell on the most gorgeous young cats. they were curled up together all cosy in their basket and i fell in love with them. luckily no one had booked them so off we rushed to speak to someone.

basic history for them is non-existent, all the staff knew was that one of their colleagues has claimed the cats on hogmanay and they are about 6 months old. since they've only been at the shelter a couple of days we couldn't bring them straight home but we'll be going to pick them up on sunday and i can't wait! it'll be great to have company for biscuit and more animals for me to spoil rotten!

i would say though that's it's so easy to buy pets from private breeders, before we got biscuit i was only looking at expensive puppies but i wouldn't swap my dog for the world and she was from the sspca. kittens and puppies are cute as hell, i always squeal when i see one but they don't stay small so actually... what's the difference between paying through the nose to get a pet through a private breeder and rescuing a pet that needs a home?

now i just need to pick names for my new girls... something that goes well with biscuits

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